Frequently Asked Questions
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Skim the questions below for details on Pre-Service, Enrollment and During Service inquiries and situations. If you have more questions that aren't answered here, don't hesitate to reach out to your Program Coordinator!
All program participants are offered a button down field shirt with the Conservation Corps New Mexico logo. This can be worn in rotation with other clothing deemed appropriate by your site’s uniform policy.
Depending on the participants' partner agency requirements and provided uniforms, the CCNM shirts can be worn during outreach, at events, for identification and protection out in the field, and whenever possible when interfacing with the public. When not wearing the provided uniform, please adhere to your site’s dress code and uniform policy (closed toes shoes, pants, etc.)
This will depend on the type and length of position you are in. To be eligible:
- An AmeriCorps position must be 46 weeks or longer
- A position that is NOT AmeriCorps must be 26 weeks or longer
Information on your service term before you begin!
Yes. The due dates in the onboarding system are suggestions to keep you on track. Please complete all tasks at least a few days prior to your start date.
Conservation Corps New Mexico requires a copy of the actual ID/document on file for you to serve. We use an extremely secure storage system for you to upload your IDs in.
You will schedule your fingerprints through the Fieldprint system. Instructions are included with your onboarding paperwork.
You will need to create a checking account in order to be paid during your service. You cannot opt out of this task.
As your employer, we cannot advise you on how to fill out your tax forms. We recommend that you ask a trusted member of your family or a financial advisor.
You may be eligible to receive assistance before you are actually in service (depending on your current income level), however we recommend waiting until closer to the start of your position to apply for government assistance. It is also recommended that you go in to apply in the area you will be residing in during your term. The office will likely need your AmeriCorps Service Agreement, and some offices need your Offer Letter, too. The process varies from location to location.
Enrollment and orientation can be a tricky process. We are here to help! Below are some common questions about the enrollment process. Please reach out to your Program Coordinator for more information and further questions.
Conservation Legacy is your employer on record. All living allowance disbursements, W2’s, and employment eligibility paperwork will come from Conservation Legacy. You are also a Conservation Corps New Mexico member, a a part of your host/partner agency, and you may be an AmeriCorps member depending on your placement.
If you are confused or unsure of how to represent your service or time spent working with CCNM (for example, on your resume), please reach out to your Program Coordinator!
Interns and members receive their living allowance disbursements on a bi-weekly schedule. This means that, if you are submitting your timesheet for your supervisors approval at the end of the two week pay period, then you will receive your disbursement on the following Friday.
You can access your timesheet at this link. For your username and password, please refer to the Conservation Legacy Community Portal Instructions that were linked in the Orientation Email you received during your first week.
You will receive an invite to set up an account with iSolved-Payroll System to view your pay stubs. Let us know if you do not receive an invite.
Taxes are deducted from each paycheck, based on the information provided in your Federal W-4 form.
Seek immediate medical attention (if necessary) and reach out to your Program Coordinator and site supervisor as soon as possible. Fill out an Incident Report Form and send it to your Program Coordinator. Reference the Workers Comp protocol for further instruction.
Communicate with your Program Coordinator to identify a temporary supervisor who will need to undergo a brief supervisor training in order to approve timesheets.
If you are summoned for Jury Duty, alert your supervisor of the days you might need to take off. If you do have to serve on a jury, you can count all hours served as regular work hours. To record:
- Enter hours served each day on Jury Duty and write "Jury Duty" in description field.
- At the conclusion of your jury service, make sure to receive the document from the court stating you were an active juror. This document must then be sent to your Program Coordinator for filing purposes.
No. Your Corpsmember Agreement is for a specified amount of weeks. Failure to complete your full term, could result in disqualification from your Segal Education Award.
This depends on your position and the length of your term; please contact your Program Coordinator directly for more information.
Many members use their Education Award for paying back student loans or apply it towards education tuition. Here is a resource page with more info on Education Awards. For more ideas, please visit this link. You can access your award through my.americorps.gov.
Non-traditional Education Award uses can be found here.
To receive your Educated Award, you must:
- Work through your exit date
- Complete all of your Education Award hours
- Finalize all exit tasks from you and your supervisor.
Once all final paperwork is submitted, there is a 2-4 week processing period.
If you are an AmeriCorps member, you may be eligible to have the repayment of your student loans temporarily postponed while you are serving. It is through an action called forbearance. It is possible that interest may continue to accrue but if you successfully complete your term, you can apply to have the National Service Trust pay a portion of the interest that accrued during the service period.
After your term starts and you are enrolled in AmeriCorps, you will be able to request forbearance through your My AmeriCorps account. Visit this AmeriCorps web page for full details.
Conservation Legacy - Unless otherwise noted, the address listed on your paystub will be the address your W2 is sent to. Please refer to the instructions above about accessing your paystubs and double check this address. If the address is incorrect, please reach out to your Program Coordinator as soon as possible.
If applicable, a 1095 will also be sent by Conservation Legacy to the same address.
W2s are typically sent out at the end of January.
By default, the AmeriCorps system gives all positions an end date one year from when they start. Once you are fully exited from the program, the date in this system will be updated to reflect what is on your paperwork and has been communicated to you by your Program Coordinator.
During Service
Bookmark this webpage now so you can refer back to this information during the entire length of your service. Different circumstances come up for everyone, so skim through these to use as a reference later!